Final Post

My professional profiles:


(click on the icons to be directed to my professional profile)

Self-test results:


There is a great improvement in my digital literacy after this module.

Digital Literacy is defined as:


(image source)

Prior to this module, I did not understand the importance of creating a professional profile online. But after writing about various topic regarding our digital footprint, I realized the importance of what we put out there on the internet, as once it is released we are not able to take it back. Additionally, it might be used as a screening criterion for potential employers to determine if you’re the right fit for their company. After this module, I have decided to adopt some of these practices to improve the overall image of my profile.


(image source)

According to Jobvite’s reports, employee check LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter the most among all the social network. Previously, I have only created an account with Linkedin. To further enhance my professional profile,  I have begin to update my LinkedIn with relevant information.

What have I done?

  1. Completely fill up my profile
  2. Claim my custom URL
  3. Added connections
  4. Join relevant group




Groups that I have joined on LinkedIn:


It is important to join relevant groups but it is even more essential to participate in an online community as you sharing your opinions online and having  individuals to evaluate your post. Doing so, you are also building your professional profile at the same time.


To ensure the authenticity as well as ethical of the information you put on your social media especially on your work experience and length of tenure need to be true and verifiable. If you put up false information, it does not reflect well on yourself as you would be seen as untrustworthy; which is an undesirable trait.

Before this module, I did have a twitter profile but I did not follow anyone, my profile picture was a twitter egg and I barely tweet. It was stagnant and not updated. But after this module, I have learned the importance of updating your social network with relevant information for the right audience. Therefore I have mended my ways and now I follow up with the latest news and retweet and relevant information which I might find interesting and worth sharing with my followers.



In conclusion, I understand the importances of a professional profile.

To end this post , I have included a plan to follow as to ensure what I have done in this module be carried forward and incorporate it into my daily life.

Objective Task Priority Comments
Create multiple identities A professional LinkedIn profile

A professional Twitter profile

A personal Facebook profile

1 Easiest to achieve
Build the content of professional profile Completing profile

Update professional profile with relevant material

Join and participate in online discussion every month

Creating more graphics and video Ability to create useful graphics thought tool such as Photoshop 3 Require time to learn
Update LinkedIn Profile Include desirable skills and working experience

Add more connections (colleagues)

Getting recommendations & endorsements and giving them too

4 Only able to achieve upon internship/ graduation


freeiconspng, (2016). Twitter logo. [image] Available at:–basic-round-social-iconset–s-icons-0.png [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

Icon Archive, (2016). LinkedIn Icon. [image] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

Jobvite. (2016). Watch What You Post On Social Media Infographic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016]. (2010). Digital literacy in primary school site presentation 2010. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

St Andrew’s College, (2016). Facebook logo. [image] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].