Introduction – Self test

Digital literacy involves more than the ability to use software or operate a digital device. Whereas it includes a range of complex cognitive, sociological and emotional skills in the cyberspace.  Which includes evaluating the validity and quality of information, understanding the “rules”that exist, creating new content and contributing to digital communities one care about. (Eshet-Alkalai,2004)

According to my ratings of digital literacy, my weaknesses lies within the criteria of “Participate in online communities”and “Building online network around an area of interest” on the other hand my strength is “Managing your online privacy and security”.

I rarely participate and add discussion to online communities such as forums. As I do not see myself as an expert to contribute knowledge. While participating in the cyberspace it will lead to building an online network.

On the other hand, I am a more private person and I do not like sharing too much personal information with others. When personal information is being put on the internet, there will be lurking users who will keep the information for future uses; or worse, use it against you. So I make sure that my posts or images have privacy settings on and I only share selective information online with my friends and families. I also do not save my credit card information/passwords on browsers as I do not trust them to keep it safe.

In conclusion, I do have strength and weakness in digital literacy and after this module I hope to gain more knowledge and gain more strengths in digital literacy. 

Eshet-Alkalai, Yorum. “Digital Literacy: A Conceptual Framework For Survival Skills In The Digital Era”. (2004): 1-2. Print.