Final Post

My professional profiles:


(click on the icons to be directed to my professional profile)

Self-test results:


There is a great improvement in my digital literacy after this module.

Digital Literacy is defined as:


(image source)

Prior to this module, I did not understand the importance of creating a professional profile online. But after writing about various topic regarding our digital footprint, I realized the importance of what we put out there on the internet, as once it is released we are not able to take it back. Additionally, it might be used as a screening criterion for potential employers to determine if you’re the right fit for their company. After this module, I have decided to adopt some of these practices to improve the overall image of my profile.


(image source)

According to Jobvite’s reports, employee check LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter the most among all the social network. Previously, I have only created an account with Linkedin. To further enhance my professional profile,  I have begin to update my LinkedIn with relevant information.

What have I done?

  1. Completely fill up my profile
  2. Claim my custom URL
  3. Added connections
  4. Join relevant group




Groups that I have joined on LinkedIn:


It is important to join relevant groups but it is even more essential to participate in an online community as you sharing your opinions online and having  individuals to evaluate your post. Doing so, you are also building your professional profile at the same time.


To ensure the authenticity as well as ethical of the information you put on your social media especially on your work experience and length of tenure need to be true and verifiable. If you put up false information, it does not reflect well on yourself as you would be seen as untrustworthy; which is an undesirable trait.

Before this module, I did have a twitter profile but I did not follow anyone, my profile picture was a twitter egg and I barely tweet. It was stagnant and not updated. But after this module, I have learned the importance of updating your social network with relevant information for the right audience. Therefore I have mended my ways and now I follow up with the latest news and retweet and relevant information which I might find interesting and worth sharing with my followers.



In conclusion, I understand the importances of a professional profile.

To end this post , I have included a plan to follow as to ensure what I have done in this module be carried forward and incorporate it into my daily life.

Objective Task Priority Comments
Create multiple identities A professional LinkedIn profile

A professional Twitter profile

A personal Facebook profile

1 Easiest to achieve
Build the content of professional profile Completing profile

Update professional profile with relevant material

Join and participate in online discussion every month

Creating more graphics and video Ability to create useful graphics thought tool such as Photoshop 3 Require time to learn
Update LinkedIn Profile Include desirable skills and working experience

Add more connections (colleagues)

Getting recommendations & endorsements and giving them too

4 Only able to achieve upon internship/ graduation


freeiconspng, (2016). Twitter logo. [image] Available at:–basic-round-social-iconset–s-icons-0.png [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

Icon Archive, (2016). LinkedIn Icon. [image] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

Jobvite. (2016). Watch What You Post On Social Media Infographic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016]. (2010). Digital literacy in primary school site presentation 2010. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

St Andrew’s College, (2016). Facebook logo. [image] Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2016].

Refection Should content be free?

After reading several of my coursemates’ blog post, some of them included how content(photos, blog and video) is available for everyday users. Whereas others provided how open access relates to academic literature.

Teresa’s post about content producers that post their materials freely online. I find the points made on her post about the advantage, such as increased visibility and building reputation similar to open access in academic papers. 

Jules revealed in her post on how open access benefit each audience in an info graphic. I find it refreshing as it allows me to have several perspective on who and how it benefit them. She also introduced the idea of Open Educational resources which further reinforce the importances of Open Access is to education. 

Gin’s post emphasise on the high cost of producing academic materials. I find her point about customising paid content through browser history interesting but at the same time it raise some questions such as whether it is ethical and the accuracy of the recommendation- is it what subscribers are exactly looking for? 



Lee Gin

Topic 5: Free Content

Let’s provide an example, in a world without free content and you need to pay for these information. Here comes Lacy a student who have a deep passion for chemistry, she wants to gain more knowledge. But she was immediately denied entry as it cost way too much. And she is not able to justify her purchase as that book might not provide what she is looking for.


(Story by me; comic made from toondoo)

But with open access, the situation depicted in the comic will have a different conclusion. Lacy might have find the knowledge from open access scholar books without having to pay an absurd amount of money to gain access to it.

So what exactly is Open Access?

It refers to the practice of making peer reviewed scholarly research available on the public internet. This allow users to use these information either to built on their knowledge or use it on their research with citation.

I have included this video as I find it interesting and it provide some basic ideas on how Open Access work. It also includes how both authors and users benefit with the barrier removed.

(video source)

Why is open source important for students?

According to reports from the non-profit Student PIRGs (Public Interest Research Groups). Since 2006, the cost of a college textbook has increased by 73%; that is almost 4 times the rate of inflation.

cost-of-tb(numbers from here, graph by me)

Why is the textbook prices risen exponentially?

There are 2 possible reasons:

  1. There are only 5 major publishers which controls 85% of the textbook market
  2. Students do not get to choose which textbooks to purchase; they have to buy the books assigned.

NBC’s review of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data shown that even with the soaring prices of textbooks , student now spends $62 lesser than students in 1998. How is that possible?

expenditure.PNG(numbers from here ; image by me)

They save by not taking the traditional method (buying textbooks), but choose way to obtaining information:

  • Renting textbooks
  • Photocopy textbook from school library
  • Obtaining Digital resources (Open access)

By having open access textbooks, it release some financial burdens of students as well as parents. Using my example, I have to pay S$34,240 tuition fees (excluding hidden cost) for this degree programme. This amount isn’t small and with open access it allows me not to incur further expenditure by purchasing textbooks.


(information from here ; infographics by me)


References: (2016). What Is Open Access?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2016]. (2016). Student Group Releases New Report on Textbook Prices | Student PIRGs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2016].

Suber, P. (2016). Open Access. [online] Available at:

Weisbaum, H. (2016). Students Are Still Saddled With Soaring Textbook Costs, Report Says. [online] NBC News. Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2016].

Reflection on What is Ethical on Social Media

This topic is especially important for us – future marketers. As we rely heavily on this information to craft our campaigns and create promotions that customer. It has taught us to draw the line of what is considered ethical and unethical on social media. And how we can abide by it to prevent getting in trouble.

I have previously touched briefly on this topic (Pokemon Go). But with the most recent post, I have gone more in-depth as to how to create ethical content on our social media. After reading my friend’s post on their take on this topic. I find it interesting as they have different view on this problem.

Dawn has stated in her blog how employee’s post or behavior on social media affects the reputation of the company they are working for. I find her view interesting, as the line between companies’ and individual employees’ social media is quite blurring. She recommends having policies in place to solve the potential problem of the employee posting unethical content on social media platform. I wonder how companies can deal with this problem without having to fire employees that post unethical comments or post on their social media. Are there other ways we can warn employees and at the same time still keep them as their moment of folly might not reflect their overall competency in their work. It is a pity for a company to lose a talent just because of one misstep post on social media.

Zaihan stated how social media  is collecting our information to analyze our behavior online. He also wrote how our privacy is being infringed constantly without our knowledge. He mentioned how even our chats can be easily compromised and companies who are willing to pay for our information. It has caused me to question is our privacy really free? Is there any way we can value our privacy without being constantly observed.

Blogs that I have commented on:



Being ethical on Social Media

According to wearesocial’s results about the growth in the number of active social media users. The number of reported social media users have grown 10% (219 million) since Jan 2015, resulting in a total number of 2.31B of active social media users.



(image source)

With the increasing amount of social media users, we should consider the role of ethics in online sharing and communication. From the statement extracted from, it further highlights the importance of ethics in social media.

“The balance between the right to free speech and the limits of abuse is still being negotiated: society is still fumbling towards commonly acceptable rules of engagement.” –

So what is ethics in the context of communication? 

Thomas Cooper states the three area of concern within the field of communication ethics – truth, responsibility and free expression. 

Social media encompasses this definition. As it is a medium for expression, but in order for the information posted on social media to be ethical; it has to be presented in a responsible manner with accurate content.

A study from the journal on blog & social media revealed, that the instantaneous nature of social media and blogs “forced organizations to respond more quickly to criticism”. The speed is a paradox where it is both a friend and foe of truthful statements under deadline pressure.

To relate speed with how ethical information are presented on social media – the faster information is being delivered. The responsibility, as well as the accuracy of the information, will be compromised. This will result in the unethical information presented on social media.

Screenshot of Ufone Twitter account

(image source)

On June 2016, a leading cellular company of Pakistan (Ufone) accidentally retweeted and liked anti-government tweets. This incident has sparked widespread outrage over social media. It was a PR disaster for the company as the social media manager was not able to answer for their oversight (actions). #BoycottUfone started trending on twitter for almost 24 hours. This incident has also lead to public’s demand for the resignation of the social media manager as well as a public apology.

Story found HERE.

To end this post, I would like to share this informative video created by students from the University of Akron about how individuals can be ethical on social media. I find the points made in this video relevant and it reminds us to be mindful of what we post on the internet.


Cooper, T. (1985). Communication Ethics and Global Change. [online] Available at:

DAWN.COM. (2016). Ufone apologizes after ‘accidental endorsement’ of Go Nawaz Go tweet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].

the Guardian. (2016). Twitter abuse: easy on the messenger | Editorial. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].

We Are Social Singapore. (2016). Digital in 2016 – We Are Social Singapore. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].

Wright, D. (2008). How Blogs and Social Media are Changing Public Relations and the Way it is Practiced. [online] 2(1). Available at:

Youtube. (2014) 10 Ethical issues in social media Available at:

Topic 3 – Reflection Time


(image source)

This is by far the most interesting and requires the most time to write about (as compared to the previous 2 topics). As I get to know what my course mates think about setting up an authentic professional profile on the digital platform. Many of friends have shown real life examples of people getting their jobs through unconventional ways (Youtube).Jeremiah and Jules pointed out the importance the content is to the profile. Jeremiah states that some people might defame your profile where as Jules states the importance of self expression. Linking to the previous topic – single or multiple profiles, after reading Juliana’s response; I realized how the gap of your personal and professional profile is actually very thin.

I was looking through Adelene’s blog, she has provided a rough guideline of how to create a professional digital profile. I find her point on identifying objectives and choosing relevant social media account platform interesting. As previously I did not consider what identity you are trying to portray will affect which social media to use.

Xin Lin’s viewpoint on having 5 individuals on your personal brand was very interesting. Previously I did not view building of personal profile in a work like/business setting. Her post open up my perspective on another way to build a personal profile. As building a professional profile require various expertise such as social media manager, publicist, sales, assistant and intern. And how all of these job function work together to succeed the goal of the professional profile.


Blogs I have commented on:


Xin Lin:


Topic 3 – Building a Professional Profile


(Image source)

The recruitment process have greatly evolved, from traditional newspaper posting to online recruitment that includes posting their on their website and even through social media. According to’s survey results, it shows a steady increase in the use of social media as a tool for recruitment. It also highlight the importance of what you post on the internet, as it was previously used for exchanging information with friends now it is also a place where recruitment is done.


(Statistics from ; Graph by me)

From Careerbuilder’s survey results – 60% of employers uses social media to research on their candidates. The information presented on candidate’s social media that leads them to get hired is shown in the graph bellow. From the graph, both candidate’s qualification as well as professional image score the highest. This tells us how important these two factors employer values.


(Statistics from Careerbuilder; Graph by me)

LinkedIn is still the top social media websites employers look into as revealed by Jobvite. Hence it is the best online platform where you can develop your professional profile.


(Image source)

All of the statistics point to the importance of having a digital presence. As times have changed and we have to keep up to it.

So how can you create an authentic digital professional profile?


The first step in creating a professional profile is to create social media accounts such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. It is advisible to have multiple identities like my previous post. The creation of social media account is the easiest step among the three.

Second step would be maintaining the content on your social media account. In the context of LinkedIn,  you will need to provide accurate information about your professional experience and the length of tenure. As Jobvite states from their studies that these content are crucial and what employers want to see on your professional profile. All the information reflected in your professional profile need to true and you have to agree with the content being put up there, as this will affects the authenticity of your profile. The information on your profile needs to be constantly updated too, as no one wants to see outdated details.


(Image source)

The last step would be, to broadcast and put it on the internet. After all the hard work of cultivating your professional profile. It is only right that this effort is being shown when a potential employer use Google to search up your name. So with tweaking of SEO, your professional profile should be shown on the top and accessible for employers to view.

In conclusion, creating a professional profile is more than hiding those embarrassing photos. 

References: (2016). Number of Employers Using Social Media to Screen Candidates Has Increased 500 Percent over the Last Decade – CareerBuilder. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Nov. 2016].

Jobvite. (2015). Watch What You Post On Social Media Infographic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Nov. 2016].

SHRM. (2015). Using Social Media for Talent Acquisition—Recruitment and Screening. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Nov. 2016].

Topic 2 – Reflection Time


(image source)

Before writing on this topic, I did not know that by having several different social media accounts online represents different online identity. Previously, I did not have much thought as to what I put out on the web. But after writing, I understand and begin to practice being more conscious on what I post. Even with multiple online identity, if you do not choose the appropriate or correct way of expressing your opinion it might directly or indirectly hurt your professional/offline life.


The line of personal and professional identities is blur. As a google search on your own name, you will be returned with both your professional and personal identities. And there is no way in separating it online. It is inevitable that employers might use the internet to search for our online profiles as to gain more insights about us as well as how we might fit well with the company’s culture.So it is advise to “clean up” undesirable information about yourself that might ruin the chance of a good opportunity.

After reading several blog, it becomes evident that having multiple identities online is acceptable but individuals should be responsible and not post items that might harm their reputation.

From Adelene’s post, she agree that by having multiple identities it gives you the anonymity to share your opinions and ideas without being judged by current or real life friends / families. On the flip side, she emphasize on not abusing the anonymity the internet provides and to show different personalities to selective audiences. It is interesting how Adelene describe how we present ourselves on the internet alike to actors where we show some aspects and hides the rest.

Secondly from Dawn’s post set me thinking of how we present ourselves on the internet is it better to be anonymous or authentic. She also state in her post about potential employers checking out their candidate’s social media account. I do find that worrying as in my opinion it does not serve as a right indication of how well you are able to get the job done. She included several graphs and statistics which aids in helping me to understand the topic more clearly.

To conclude, are we what we what we post on the internet?

Comments I have posted:



Single Identity or Multiple?

What is an online identity? It is simply how you would like to be portrayed online. Identity can be formed with your characteristics and interactions, as we interact differently on each website. All these websites will have a different picture of who you are and what you do. These different representations of you are called partial identities, as none of them are the full and true image of who you are. (Internet Society,2011)


(Image Source)

Maintaining of our own online accounts is important in the internet world. If you do not safeguard your information and choose to reveal a lot on the internet via Social Media. As some words once you put it out on the web, you wont be able to take them back. Or in other cases, crooks might get hold of this information and use it against you


(image source)

On July 2016, an Australian man got sacked for insulting Singaporeans in a rant (on Facebook) caused by the unavailability of the mobile game – Pokemon Go.


(image source)

The story can be seen HERE

From this story, you can see how a single act of recklessness can provoke hundreds and cause a person to lose their job.

So is it a good idea to have multiple online identities?

By having multiple identities it creates a clear separation between work and personal life. According to CareerBuilder’s annual social media recruitment survey, 60% of potential employers use social media to research prospective employee. The biggest reason would be to see if candidates has a professional online persona.

But if you do not maintain the right online identity and post some content that put off employee. Some of these content includes wild or inappropriate photos of yourself drinking. I personally feel that these information on social media does not represent the competency of the candidates. Although hiring managers counter argue with using social media to research on candidates to get a more holistic view of the person.

You should use different network for different purpose. On LinkedIn, a professional resume like profile should be created. Whereas on Facebook it should be a carefree environment where you share photo memories with friends and family.

Alan Henry (2012) provides reasons as to why you should separate identities:

  1. You have control over your professional appearance – Certain information revealed to a various group of people
  2. Provide a layer of privacy – free to comment as anonymous without the fear of impacting your career
  3. Avoid information overload, for you and your audience – keeping information relevant for your audience.

On the other hand, the cons of not separating includes unauthentic. As you have several accounts and it portrayed as if you are hiding something.

References: (2016). Number of Employers Using Social Media to Screen Candidates Has Increased 500 Percent over the Last Decade – CareerBuilder. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2016]. (2012). Should I keep my personal and professional identity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2016]. (2011). Understanding your online identity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2016].

Topic 1 – Reflection Time


(Image Credits)

My comments on other pages: Zoey & Gin

Before attempting on writing topic 1 regarding digital visitors and residents. I did not have any prior knowledge about this terms. But after writing that blog post I realized how our interactions on the web can be categories under digital visitors or resident. As well as how the technology has evolve creating a platform for us to “live” on. After reading various post, most of my classmates identify themselves as both digital resident and visitor. As most of them do have social media accounts but do not constantly update and share their lives on the web. So are they residents or visitors?

Before Adelene’s comment, I did not understand the exact term when an individual is both a visitor and resident. Her question of classifying a internet user as a digital visitor or a resident; Set me thinking and I did some research which leads me to the VR (visitor and resident) map. According to the VR map which is a visitor/resident and personal/institutional axis. Based on particular activity or task it can be plotted into this axis. Some tasks are visitor/institution where as others are resident/personal. Therefore based on different situation we are digital visitors and residents at the same time. In the process of answering her questions, I learned something too.

Gin stated in her post about how her uncle when learnt about internet at a later timing as compared to herself and how her uncle is now more active on the internet as compared to herself. She highlights that it is the motivation behind learning and not the age or timing they learn it is important. I agree with her point as it is the individual’s learning attitude and ability that allow them to engage on the web.

Zoey states that due to the advancement of technology, her parent’s have started to adopt some practices such as interacting on social media (facebook) with their friends and colleagues. And even creating an “digital identity” online to connect professionally. I do agree that the environment and maybe the peer pressures have changed how we interact with one another.

In conclusion, I am glad to have the chance to share my opinions as well as to gain more insights from my fellow classmates.